Service Times
St. Paul worships together, both online and in person, at 10 am every Sunday. We welcome all to join us at 671 Clinton St. Defiance, Ohio or via livestream on Facebook and YouTube.
We meet for Sunday School at 9 am between Labor Day and Memorial Day. Adult Sunday School meets weekly and Sunday School for youth is offered according to the schedule on our calendar.
Youth groups meet weekly between Labor Day and Memorial Day. We have groups for ages Kindergarten-5th grade, 6th-8th grade, and High School meeting Wednesday, 6-7:30 p.
671 Clinton Street
Defiance, OH 43512
P: (419) 782-5771
Contact Us
St Paul's Online
- Facebook Livestream of Worship and Devotions Worship with us online A safe way to pass the offering plate online
YouTube Channel St Paul Lutheran Church Defiance – YouTube Channel